Mile News Tagged John Landy

Bannister’s Sub-4 Minute Mile Named Greatest Athletic Achievement

November 18, 2005

For Forbes' panel of experts, editors and readers, one feat did emerge as a clear winner: the first sub-4 by Roger Bannister in 1954

By David M. Ewalt with Lacey Rose,

At their best, sports are about more than just winning games and diverting crowds. They test the limits of what...

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An Exclusive Club

June 27, 1994

Forty years after Roger Bannister broke four minutes, the brotherhood of Mile record holders gathered to honor their grand obsession

By Gary Smith, Sports Illustrated

Never join someone who eclipses you. Align yourself with one who increases your luster. The man who puts you in the shade...

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A Man Conquers Himself

May 21, 1956

Gentle John Landy, after one of history's fastest Mile times, could feel only sadness and defeat. Here is the story of an amazing, dedicated athlete—and an amazing human being: "I'd rather lose a 3:58 Mile than win one in 4:10."

By Paul O'Neil, Sports Illustrated

The townspeople of Fresno,...

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A Day to Remember

May 05, 1956

Said world record holder John Landy, the startled loser: "You ran a 3:58." Jim Bailey glared at him with unsteady indignation and shouted, "Bullswool."

By Paul O'Neil, Sports Illustrated

Saturday, May 5. A day for the dramatic, the spectacular; a day for magical and magnificent events. The...

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1954 & Its Sportsman: Roger Bannister

January 03, 1955

The year brought shining performances in a host of sports, but the electrifying running of history's first 4 minute Miler—a man of no fanfare—made him year's pre-eminent Man of Sport

By Gerald Holland, Sports Illustrated

If ever a good speech ruined a dinner it was that delivered by Dr. Roger...

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Duel of the Four-Minute Men

August 16, 1954

Bannister surges to victory in the heart-stirring Commonwealth Games Mile; first time two men sub-4 minutes in the same Mile race

By Paul O'Neil, Sports Illustrated

VANCOUVER, B.C. - The art of running the Mile consists, in essence, of reaching the threshold of unconsciousness at the instant...

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